Academic Programs


PPS, Inclusion, School, Dubai

Inclusion statement:

At PPS, we prioritize and strive to ensure that inclusion is at the core of our practices, benefiting the entire school community. We are deeply committed to becoming a fully inclusive school, setting high expectations and ambitions for all our students, and encouraging their full participation in every aspect of school life, with a particular focus on their well-being and progress.

By fostering an inclusive ethos, PPS aims to support students by removing barriers to inclusion, whether for individuals or groups, and addressing a wide range of diverse needs. We do this by setting appropriate challenges that are designed to unlock the full potential of our students.
Every staff member shares the responsibility and ownership of removing barriers to learning for all students, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, special needs, attainment, or background, to help them reach their full potential.
We recognize the importance of implementing our inclusive ethos both inside and outside the classroom to meet the needs of our students. We strive to create an environment where students feel safe, achieve well, maintain good health, enjoy life, and grow into successful adults who will positively contribute to society.
We firmly believe that all students are entitled to be educated alongside their peers as much as possible, with very few exceptions. As an inclusive school, we are committed to developing inclusive cultures, policies, and practices. We actively work to remove the barriers to learning and participation that may hinder or exclude individual students or groups of students, ensuring that the voices of all within the school community are heard. We believe that an effective school is, by definition, an inclusive school.

 Gifted and Talented:

Additionally, at PPS, we have implemented a comprehensive program to identify students who are gifted and talented, ensuring they are provided with ample opportunities to further develop their abilities.
As outlined by the United Arab Emirates School Inspection Framework (2015-2016):
Gifted: The term giftedness refers to students with an exceptional natural ability in one or more domains of human capacity, such as intellectual, creative, social, or physical abilities. These abilities are often untrained and spontaneously expressed. Gifted students possess exceptional potential, though they may sometimes underachieve.
Talented: The term talented refers to students who have transformed their giftedness into exceptional performance. Talented students consistently demonstrate exceptional levels of competence in specific domains of human ability.

English Language Learners (ELL) Support:

We also recognize and value the positive impact of bilingualism and multilingualism. The term English Language Learners (ELL) refers to students who have been exposed to a language other than English during early childhood and continue to be exposed to that language at home or in their community. To support ELL students, the school has established provisions to ensure they can access the California Common Core curriculum and, where appropriate, receive interventions to address any barriers in their learning.